At GeoKids, we have 5 classrooms: infant, toddler, and 3 preschool classrooms. Child-to-educator ratios start at 3-to-1 for infants, gradually increasing to a maximum of 10-to-1 in our preschool.
Curriculum at GeoKids is emergent, which means it is based on the interests of the children. Educators participate in the cycle of inquiry, observing children’s play and conversations, and proposing ways to extend those interests into projects rich in learning. We encourage curiosity and exploration with open-ended materials and small-group experiences.
Literacy is an essential part of the curriculum at GeoKids. We support children's interests in books and written words from the earliest ages and in ways that are natural, playful, and embedded in the classroom environment.
We are also committed to anti-bias and anti-racism curriculum. Our discussions, along with the resources we use in the classroom, encourage children to think critically about their own perspectives in relation to others, and support dialogue around topics such as identity and injustice.
In addition to the classroom, GeoKids has an art studio and studio educator who works with children and educators to explore materials in innovative and enriching ways. We also partner with local programs to make music and soccer classes available to the children.
Our goals for the children grow and evolve as they do.
Foster secure and trusting relationships that support the infant sense of safety and wonder in the world outside the home.
Develop strong one-on-one relationships with every child through caregiving, play, and other interactions.
Allow children to dictate the pace of their individual growth and development.
Nurture the very young child’s initiative with encouragement and appropriate guidance.
Support toddlers’ emerging sense of self through relationships, activities, and the environment.
Develop the self-help skills that allow toddlers to feel competent and have a greater sense of independence.
Support their emerging language and problem-solving skills.
Help them develop a greater awareness of their feelings and other children’s feelings.
Nurture children’s friendship-building and social skills through adult support in children’s play and activity.
Provide an enriching environment, inviting children to become creative players and problem solvers.
Complement child-initiated play with adult-initiated small-group times and larger group meetings.
Provide an environment for children to pursue long-term projects on topics that interest them.
“You constantly amaze me with everything you are able to accomplish and provide for our children, in a warm and loving environment.”